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Financial Consultation

Our Fees

Our Fees

Thomas Bradley & Co will charge for the time taken to provide our clients with personalised expert advice. In our initial Letter of Engagement, we will inform you if our rate will be chargeable as a fixed-rate fee or a standard hourly rate.


How We Charge

Our hourly rate fees are calculated by multiplying the hours worked on your case by the standard hourly rate of the team member(s) who are completing the work for you. Our base hourly rate is divided into “units” of 6 minutes, meaning that there are 10 units in an hour (10 x 6 minutes = 60 minutes).


Note: 6 minutes if the smallest amount of time we measure, this means that if you engage in a 2 minute call, this will count as one unit. If work is completed for you that takes less than six minutes, then it is rounded up to the nearest unit.

You should note that our hourly rates differ and can vary according to the seniority of the person working for you, as well as the nature of the work. For transparency with our clients, you will find below a table of our average hourly rates for a variety of our staff levels.


Hourly Rates

We will charge for the time our staff spends on your case/advice. We may agree different rates with you in a Letter of Engagement, or a fixed fee.

Hourly Rates.jpeg


We charge VAT on all our services. At present, the VAT chargeable on our services is at 20%. If you are a consumer (not VAT registered), this will be added on top of our hourly rate that you will not be able to reclaim.


Things we charge for

We actively record the time spent working on any aspect of your advice. See below the items we charge for.


  • Telephone calls

  • Letters or emails

  • Research

  • Drafting

  • Noting

  • Attendance


Specific Pricing


Below are more details of our most common consumer services:


Business Services

Contact Us

Call: 0330 390 9200


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© Thomas Bradley & Co 2024

Thomas Bradley & Co are not regulated by the Law Society. Depending on the specific service you have engaged us for, we may collaborate with third-party partners, including solicitor firms, financial services firms, and accountancy firms.

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